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Request for Lantic to phase out GE sugar: Dec. 1, 2010

Edward Makin

President and CEO, Lantic Inc.

4026, Notre-Dame Street East

Montréal, Québec, H1W 2K3

Fax: (514) 527 1318

December 1, 2010

RE: Request for Lantic to phase out GE sugar following US court-ordered destruction of Monsanto’s genetically engineered sugarbeets

Dear Mr. Makin,

We are writing to bring your attention to the new court-ordered destruction of genetically engineered (GE) sugarbeet seedlings in the United States (November 30, 2010) and to ask that Lantic plant only non-GE sugarbeet seeds in 2011, reversing your 2009 decision to process GE sugar in Canada.

Lantic Inc. is currently the only Canadian sugar company that processes GE sugarbeet. This is an unacceptable situation for Canadian consumers.

In correspondence in 2009, CBAN warned Lantic that the the GE sugarbeets were highly controversial, were accompanied by many serious concerns, and would meet with widespread consumer opposition. We requested a meeting to discuss these issues and repeatedly provided information about the risks of GE sugarbeets to Lantic and to the Alberta farmers who grow sugarbeet for Lantic. Though this correspondence was met with silence from Lantic, we hope you will now pay sufficient attention to this critical issue in order to phase out your use of Monsanto’s genetically engineered sugarbeet.

We request that you take urgent action to ensure that sugar in Canada is reverted to its previous non-GE status. We trust that Lantic will want to avoid being isolated globally as the only producer of GE sugar. For your information, please find attached a US press release describing the court decision in brief.


Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator