CBAN’s 2018 Yule Blog

The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network provides you with this special year-end e-news to highlight critical new issues and recap some important stories you may have missed this year. 2018 was a year of mergers and escapes. Illegal rogue genetically modified (GM,...

Setting up a Spiral of GMO Contamination

Legalizing “Low-Level Presence” of Unapproved GMOs By Lucy Sharratt, CBAN Published in British Columbia Organic Grower, Volume 21, Issue 2. Spring 2018. Contamination from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is a problem for some crop types. For example, most...

Golden Rice assumptions wrong

Letter to the Editor, published in The Western Producer, April 12, 2018   The editorial, “Health Canada is obligated to approve Golden Rice,” (WP, April 5), interprets the department’s decision as a “humanitarian gesture,” but that is an assumption — an incorrect...

PEI caught up in AquaBounty’s tangled net

Opinion – published in The Guardian, PEI August 2, 2017 by Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network Company has started construction but doesn’t yet have federal approval to produce genetically modified salmon at Rollo Bay The...