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Take Action
These are the current strategic actions we ask you to take with us. Thank you!
Election 2025
March 2025: Ask your candidates: Do you support mandatory government safety assessments and reporting for all genetically engineered food and seeds? If elected, would you ensure that all genetically engineered foods and seeds are regulated? Click here for your election action tool.
No GMO Salad
March 2025: Bayer (formerly Monsanto) is getting ready to sell genetically engineered (genetically modified or GM) mustard greens that are gene edited to taste less mustardy. These GM salad greens will not be regulated or labelled. Click here to take action.
No Exemptions
2025: Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have removed regulation for some genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Ask the ministers to reestablish mandatory safety assessments and reporting for all genetically engineered (genetically modified) foods and crops. Click here to take action.
Stop GE Trees
2025: The US government is considering a request to allow the release of genetically engineered (GE or genetically modified) American chestnut trees into US forests. The GE trees could spread from US forests into forests in eastern Canada. Researchers say they will also ask the Canadian government to approve planting this GE tree in Canadian forests. Click here to take action.