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In addition to current action campaigns, CBAN researches, monitors and takes action on these fundamental priority issues. Visit Information on GMOs to find information and links on the many related issues not named here.

Democracy and Government Regulation

Democratic debate and transparent governance are key to addressing any of the socio-economic, ethical, environmental and safety concerns of genetic engineering.

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GE Trees

CBAN is a Steering Committee Member of the North American STOP GE Trees Campaign and is working with groups across the world in the call for a ban on genetically engineered (GE) trees.

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GE Alfalfa

The Canadian Government has approved Monsanto’s herbicide resistant (Roundup Ready) alfalfa for human consumption and environmental release. GM alfalfa is the first perennial crop approved in Canada and poses a particularly serious contamination risk, with a wide-range of negative impacts on the future of food and farming in Canada

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International Solidarity

Canadians can play a very positive role in our world and we have a lot to learn from peasants organizing across the globe.

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Farm Income Crisis

CBAN is committed to working with the National Farmers Union to address the underlying causes of the current farm income crisis. This includes work to strengthen and protect current programs that give farmers power in the marketplace and support public plant breeding.

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Corporate Control

“Without our knowledge, understanding, or consent, “life-science” conglomerates are genetically engineering food plants for corporate profit with little concern for our health or the effect on the environment.”
– Brewster Kneen author of “Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology” and founding member of CBAN

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