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- Arbres OGM
- Background: GM Wheat Contamination in Canada
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- infos sur les OGM
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- Agrocarburants
- Arbres OGM
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- Environmental Impacts
- Feeding the World
- GE Free Zones
- Gene Drives
- Gene Editing
- Golden Rice
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- Monsanto
- New GE Technologies
- Organics
- Pesticides
- Présence de faibles concentrations
- Regulation
- Risques pour la santé humaine
- Health Canada Approval of Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Corn NK603
- Initial Background Notes: Seralini and Canada, 2014
- Intentional Disinformation about Seralini et al. (2012)
- Letter to the Editor: Ontario Farmer
- Letter to the Editor: Ontario Farmer
- New study shows that animals are seriously harmed by eating GM
- New study shows that animals are seriously harmed by eating GM crops
- Ontario Farmer article on Seralini
- Open Letter to Canadian Consumers
- Open Letter to Canadian Consumers
- Séralini et al. GM corn safety study in context
- Séralini study defies censors
- Séralini study defies censors
- Study Explanation
- Saumon OGM
- Technologie Terminator
- Trade
- Infos de base sur les OGM
- Produits OGM
- Cultures et aliments GM absents du marché
- Blé
- Definitive Global Rejection of Genetically Engineered Wheat
- Definitive Global Rejection of Genetically Modified Wheat
- Genetically Modified Wheat: Background
- GM Wheat Escapes: Update
- Industry "Wheat Biotechnology Commercialization" Statement
- List of Groups Launching Statement
- National Research Council Disavows GM Wheat Research
- Lin
- Pomme de Terre
- Rice
- Blé
- Cultures et aliments GM sur le marché
- Betteraves à sucre
- Canola
- Coton
- Courge
- Luzerne
- About the Video
- Alfalfa Photos and Graphics
- Application
- Day of Action to Stop GM Alfalfa April 9 2013
- Day of Action to Stop GM Alfalfa, April 9
- GM Alfalfa in Canada - Update and Background - April 5, 2016
- Liberal Motion for a Moratorium on GM Alfalfa
- Liberals call for moratorium on GM alfalfa
- Liste d'appuis à la campagne
- Quotes from Transcripts of CSTA Coexistence Workshop
- Responding to MP letters on GM Alfalfa
- Suggested Response Letter on GM Alfalfa
- Maïs
- ‘SmartStax’ Genetic Corn Really Safe?
- CBAN on SmartStax: Western Producer
- GM Sweet Corn in Canada: Information for Action
- Identifying and Avoiding GM Sweet Corn Seed in Canada
- Lettre à Santé Canada
- Monsanto's response to CBAN on SmartStax: Western Producer
- Why SmartStax is Dumb
- Write the Minister of Health Stop GM 2,4-D-Tolerant Crops
- Papaye
- Pomme
- Adopt a Retailer Kit
- BC government refuses to carry out its promised review of the genetically engineered apple
- CBAN letter to CFIA re: "public comment" period on GM apple
- GM Apple Not Simple: Letter to Editor
- Grocery Store Contacts
- Grocery Store Contacts
- Letter on GM Apple from Similkameen Okanagan Organic Treefruit Growers
- School webinar documents
- Take Action: Stop the GM Apple
- Soja
- GM animals
- Enviropig
- “Enviropig™” Background
- Do Farmers Need "Enviropig"?
- Email Notice: Genetically Modified Pigs Shut Down
- Is "Enviropig™" Safe?
- Is “Enviropig™” An Environmental Solution?
- National Farmers Union Ontario March 2010 Resolution
- Rally to Stop "Enviropig", Feb 2011
- What is "Enviropig™"?
- When will "Enviropig™" be on the market?
- Who "Created" and Owns "Enviropig™"?
- Federal government responses re: scientific assessment of GM fish production at Rollo Bay PEI
- GM Goats
- Saumon OGM
- AquaBounty's amended proposal for PEI
- Atlantic Canada: Events to Stop GM Altantic Salmon Oct 2011
- Background: Genetically Modified Salmon Production in Rollo Bay, PEI
- Comment éviter le saumon OGM
- Is Environment Canada reviewing a GE fish for approval?
- Is Health Canada reviewing a GE fish for approval?
- Le Gouvernement canadien va recevoir des redevances à partir de la vente de saumon GM
- Letter to Premier Ghiz re: GE Fish
- Media Backgound: GM Salmon in PEI
- PEI Frankenfish Tourism 2013: CBAN and PEI group hosts international visitors (April, May)
- PEI groups call for public hearings on proposed GM salmon factory
- Request for public hearings on proposed GM salmon factory
- Retailer Statements on GM Salmon
- Statement Opposing GE Fish
- Timeline of developments: AquaBounty’s GM salmon in Canada
- Write to your restaurant
- Enviropig
- Cultures et aliments GM absents du marché
- Enjeux
- Letter from CBAN to Minister of Health on Codex GM labeling April 30
- Newsletter
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- Réseau canadien d’action sur les biotechnologies
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